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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

The safety of our students and staff is our #1 priority.  We appreciate your attentiveness in following our new arrival procedures and recommended safety guidelines for orderly arrival and dismissal.  We worked with the Moon Township Police Department on these procedures to help eliminate the congestion on our campus in the morning. Our dismissal procedures have remained the same.


ALL students riding the bus will be dropped off at the GYM/STUDENT entrance.

Students being driven to school will be dropped off at the AUDITORIUM entrance.  The NEW procedures are as follows:

  • The DROP OFF line begins on the road between the stadium and ball fields (POINT A on map) 
  • Follow around to the back of the building (Blue line on map) to the AUDITORIUM entrance (POINT B on map) 
  • Cars should move up in the line as far as the sidewalk permits.  This allows a maximum number of cars to enter the queue.  Parents are not permitted to park or get out of their car in the drop off line. 
  • All students must exit their car via the PASSENGER side.  Please have your child ready to exit the car as you pull alongside the curb. 
  • Cars then exit to Tiger Trail.  ALL traffic MUST turn RIGHT (POINT C on map) and proceed to University Blvd. 

Please drive safely in all areas and roads; refrain from cell phone usage; and follow the direction of staff members at all times. 


Doors open at 7:40 am. You may drop your child off beforehand, but they will remain outside (same as in years past) with teacher supervision beginning at 7:20 am.  The Tardy Bell is 7:55 am and all doors will be locked.  If you drop your child off after 7:55 am, please proceed to the main parking/horseshoe area.  All students arriving late should report to the main office/entrance for a late pass to AB. 



Dismissal is at 2:40 pm. Procedures remain the same.

Buses will be located at Gym and Auditorium entrances.  The bus line up will be posted in all rooms.  Buses are not released until 2:50 pm.

Parent pick up is at the MAIN ENTRANCE:  

  • Park in the main entrance parking lot 
  • Use the crosswalk and pick up your child at the designated grade level sign 
  • NO student is permitted in the parking lot UNATTENDED by an adult 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!  We look forward to our new school year.